Thursday, December 22, 2011

Update 810: Streets Still Not Safe

A guy who works at a gas station I frequent was fiddling with his front teeth when I stopped by yesterday. The owner, an Iraqi man who bought the place a few years back, brought his voice low and said, "The fucking brothers jumped him." The employee then brandished a foot-long hunting knife, which he said was, after the incident, his new self-defense system.The full story of the attack went something like this:

He was walking down Saginaw street and had stopped at the Sunoco when three upstanding African-American citizens approached him. One of them threw a hook, which the employee ducked. He backed away from the trio and was greeted with a ceasefire--the initial attacker extended his arm and offered a warm "Nah man, we cool." There was, as he described, not time enough to glance back up after looking down at the attacker's outstretched hand before the second sucker-punch landed. The three victims of racist oppression then literally beat his teeth out.

We--meaning I--here at The 810 Diaries feel that three crucial mistakes were made by the employee that night:

  1. Being on any part of Saginaw Street, at any time of night, on any day of the year, and in any weather. I can't stress enough that FLINT IS A DANGEROUS PLACE FILLED WITH DANGEROUS PEOPLE.
  2. Not owning a gun. Michigan is an open-carry state, meaning that someone as young as 18 can carry a legal gun in plain sight. Our guy is over 21, which means he should have already had one holstered under his coat when he made mistake number one.
  3. Sticking around. If you're ever in a rough part of town without a gun and you see three Black guys coming your way, you cross the fucking street. You might feel like a good little anti-racist for giving them the benefit of the doubt, but the alternative is losing some teeth--or worse. (Look it up yourself, if you don't like the source.)

I don't care that the police won't ever bother to go after the attackers. I don't care that this wouldn't be considered a hate crime. I don't even really care about the guy who got his teeth knocked out--that's what he gets for mistakes 1, 2, and 3. What really gets me is that there are people out there who would excuse this behavior--we all know that White racism is what really jumped the guy, who probably said something racist to provoke it anyway.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Stormfront for Blacktivists

A few days ago, I was reading fellow blogger Gucci when he linked to what is either a clever troll or a relative of everyone's favorite mulatto martyr. This guy--assuming that he's not a troll--is one of the few Black nationalists I've ever really seen or bothered to read. Endlessly offended by everything the White man does or says, he represents the golden standard that every pseudo-intellectual African-American should aspire to. I speak, of course, of Abagond.

Where most Blacktivists are content with being more equal than Whites, Abagond is of a special breed. Instead of preaching tolerance and understanding for the elimination of White rassism, he preaches hatred for the White race and demands we recompense Blacks for historical wrongs. Abagond openly admits to being a racist, claiming to vastly prefer any given member of his race over any given member of another--especially Whites.

Hailing from New York, it's strange that someone with such a penchant for truth and moral accountability could live in such close proximity to Blacks and hold the opinions he does. Even if he doesn't associate with Blacks in the big apple, there are tens of thousands of historical and contemporary pieces on the mannerisms of Black people which date all the way back to Middle-Eastern interpretations of their... Culture. He chooses to ignore the reality right in front of his face, opting instead for intense denial and shifting the blame.

Why, you ask, would an otherwise intelligent, thoughtful person deny the obvious nature of his people? It's quite simple: Abigail, in his vehement denial of fundamental truths--i.e., human biodiversity--thinks of himself as his race. If there is something wrong with Black people, then there must be something wrong with him. Again, an otherwise intelligent, thoughtful person would realize that an average is not a reflection of the individual. Abby doesn't believe in such trifles as "averages," because that's just a word racists use to legitimize hate.

I, on the other hand, fully recognize that the law of averages holds true for all races. Traditional bell-curve IQ distribution, as a contingent fact of humanity, is something I can't just ignore. Are there Whites who are just as ignorant and crime-prone as low-IQ Blacks? Sure--I'm related to quite a few. This doesn't mean that I fall under that category, nor does it mean that I should make excuses for those who are.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


(Edit: Video was taken down, replaced.) 

I, like many people my age, frequent for the latest in memes and other net-culture related things. As days turned into weeks turned into years, I noticed a slow but steady influx of liberal propaganda. It started out with a left-leaning statement here and there. Hell--maybe it was always there.

Just a few hours ago, I saw this gem. Since elaborating on what had to say about the video would only serve to piss me off, we'll stick to the video for now...

I've been where Walsh is before--there is no arguing with a liberal. Years of social conditioning have taught them that not only is it uncool to disagree with the party line, but whoever does is fucking evil and doesn't need to be listened to. The video starts just after a conversation I imagine went something like this:

Walsh: (Statement of opinion)
Dude: (Statement of opinion)
Walsh: (Logical explanation of opinion/rebuttal)
Dude: (Statement of opinion)
Walsh: (Logical explanation of opinion/rebuttal)
Dude: (Statement of opinion)

Dude: (Statement of opinion)
Walsh: "I AGREEEEEE WITH YOU ABOUT THAT" (10 seconds in)
Not a phrase I'm unfamiliar with; I agree with Dude too. What Dude can't seem to comprehend is exactly what Walsh said--we already have regulations in place to prevent the market from dipping their hands in the fed's cookie jar, and they don't work. Dude, like most OWSers, will only follow logic so far. Why?

On one hand, I can see the incentive for bankers to use their influence in the media and other places to keep the public from putting a lock on the aforementioned cookie jar. On another, South Park park did me proud by pointing out that black people--like, I dunno, Obama--are just impervious to being fucked with nowadays.   Even if a chunk of the OWSers could pay fare for the logic train, it's social suicide to go against the crowd and--more importantly--socially advantageous to go with it. At 1:11, the smiling contempt Chubby has on her face would be enough to make me explode too.

Thursday, October 27, 2011



  1. Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.

I vaguely recall one evening, in a high school geometry class, something that still bothers me to this day. One of my peers, after arguing with the teacher over her failing grade, turned away from the teacher's desk and said, "Man, he ignant." Hilarious irony aside, I've noticed a trend of using the word 'ignorant' to describe somebody who holds politically incorrect opinions.

We all remember the James Watson brouhaha, where one of the guys responsible for discovering DNA was called ignorant by people who could hardly understand the word, let alone his work. Whether or not the liberal arts collective that descended upon Watson truly believe that he is some kind of idiot, this clever re-branding of ignorance is just another form of moral posturing. After all, what's better than being able to assert unquestionable moral and intellectual superiority over one of the 21st century's great minds?

But that's just the introduction for today's real topic--this is a blog (loosely) about Flint, dammit. A few days go, Rush Limbaugh had this to say about the city:

"If there is any dilapidation taking place, it's in the inner cities, and it's in cities run by Democrats for generations. Do I need to name names? Detroit, I hate to pick on 'em, Flint, Michigan, New Orleans. You go wherever Democrats have run the show for generations and you are gonna find big-time deterioration almost without exception."

To be perfectly honest, all I know about Limbaugh is that he's got a cool first name and my liberal friends/relatives hate his guts. I'm sure he has his faults, but he's got my support on this one for sure. Detroit, Flint, 'Nawlins and the like are all heavily liberal, black cities. Ignoring the latter, which happens to be the larger catalyst of dilapidation, Limbaugh has said nothing factually incorrect. Flint's mayor, Dayne Walling, fired back this morning.

"Communities across the state of Michigan all have the common challenge of rebuilding their infrastructure. That has nothing to do with party politics ... I see it as his responsibility to educate himself on the issues he speaks about ... "

Adding annoyance to aggravation, the article reports Dayne as having described Limbaugh's statements using the word of the hour: ignorant. I have to wonder what exactly he means by "educate himself on the issues he speaks about." Is flint suddenly not deteriorating? That would be strange, considering the blocks upon blocks of boarded up or torn down houses I see with my own two eyes, every single day...

"Stop saying true things."

Ignorant is stupid, is racist, is antisemitic, is sexist, is ageist, is evil. Dayne, like most liberals, uses the word as a placeholder for more inflammatory terms like those listed above. Because Limbaugh implicated democrats, Dayne couldn't just haul off and call him a homophobicracistnazibabykiller, so he went for the next best thing.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Moral Posturing, Part I

As will be the case with a great many of my posts, sleep is going to have to take the back seat for my rage. Take a look at this photo from the tumblr of one Alexis Marie, self-described poet/actress/black woman/writer/human. Her protest sign reads:

"13% of the population (Black people) have always known how fucked up the system is, 86% just learned this… together we are the 99%"

For the type of SWPLs who comprise the OWS crowds, as with any other facet of their lives, the name of the game is moral posturing. As a running definition, we'll call moral posturing the device by which one liberal asserts a kind of passive-aggressive superiority over another. Since it is potentially racist, sexist, or some other -ist to assert superiority by tangible means, moral posturing is the primary dominance tool in most political discussion.

For whites, the moral superiority ceiling stops at holding all the right opinions. This is not the case for our protester, pictured above. Being both black and a woman, she holds something whites can never have: tangible moral authority. Where whites can improve their moral stature by taking on positions of vehement anti-racism, she's its victim.

So even though she's at a protest which demands economic equality, there's still the nagging desire to let everyone know that she's more equal. Never mind the hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually on affirmative action programs--forget about the whole 'black' president thing--until black people have no crime or poverty, some form of institutionalized racism is still at work.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ever the victim...

I was on campus the other day, reading some Gucci, when a man walked into the area and said, "We're having a student discussion in the community room. Free pizza and pop." Never one to turn down a slice of 'za, I decided to check it out. What awaited me was a student discussion on whether black organizations (NAACP, Urban League, etc.) were still relevant, or really needed.

Leading the discussion was a panel of faculty members: a husky black woman, husky black man, and the obligatory pear-shaped white woman--because most true believers of the white woman persuasion take after fruit of some sort. As can be expected of the kind of white woman you see at a black organizing event, she was the most outspoken and hostile towards the racist, misogynistic, patriarchal, male establishment. But not in those words--these ones:

  • "Now, more than ever, we need black organizations. Racism/classism is embedded in our language today."
  • "The seat of power hasn't shifted ... We need equality for women and minorities ... White men have the power."
Essentially, blacks are a smaller part of the whole; a whole which needs to rise up and seize power from evil white men. This is to be expected of the white-woman-diversity-professor type, because they know the root of all evil is white men. What I didn't expect was just how far into insanity this discussion would delve. Not to disappoint, the black woman panelist spoke:

  • "America is NOT post-racial. People like to think it is, because of Obama's election, but it's not. We still have poverty in our community, and we still have crime." 
Let's analyze what was just said: Electing a president for the sole purpose of proving we're not racist just doesn't seem to be enough to prove that there isn't some racist conspiracy. She told this to a room full of students paying for classes with money the were given just for being black. I like to think of it as 'letting them in on the entitlement racket' more than 'letting them know they're oppressed,' in any case. In their heart of hearts, even most true believers know the truth.