Wednesday, November 9, 2011


(Edit: Video was taken down, replaced.) 

I, like many people my age, frequent for the latest in memes and other net-culture related things. As days turned into weeks turned into years, I noticed a slow but steady influx of liberal propaganda. It started out with a left-leaning statement here and there. Hell--maybe it was always there.

Just a few hours ago, I saw this gem. Since elaborating on what had to say about the video would only serve to piss me off, we'll stick to the video for now...

I've been where Walsh is before--there is no arguing with a liberal. Years of social conditioning have taught them that not only is it uncool to disagree with the party line, but whoever does is fucking evil and doesn't need to be listened to. The video starts just after a conversation I imagine went something like this:

Walsh: (Statement of opinion)
Dude: (Statement of opinion)
Walsh: (Logical explanation of opinion/rebuttal)
Dude: (Statement of opinion)
Walsh: (Logical explanation of opinion/rebuttal)
Dude: (Statement of opinion)

Dude: (Statement of opinion)
Walsh: "I AGREEEEEE WITH YOU ABOUT THAT" (10 seconds in)
Not a phrase I'm unfamiliar with; I agree with Dude too. What Dude can't seem to comprehend is exactly what Walsh said--we already have regulations in place to prevent the market from dipping their hands in the fed's cookie jar, and they don't work. Dude, like most OWSers, will only follow logic so far. Why?

On one hand, I can see the incentive for bankers to use their influence in the media and other places to keep the public from putting a lock on the aforementioned cookie jar. On another, South Park park did me proud by pointing out that black people--like, I dunno, Obama--are just impervious to being fucked with nowadays.   Even if a chunk of the OWSers could pay fare for the logic train, it's social suicide to go against the crowd and--more importantly--socially advantageous to go with it. At 1:11, the smiling contempt Chubby has on her face would be enough to make me explode too.

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